Browsing articles from "August, 2010"

Submit your show ideas Now!

Aug 21, 2010   //   by Denis   //   Latest News, Station News  //  No Comments

It’s that time of year again when the DCUfm schedule gets an update. We’re looking for proposals for new shows. So, if you have an idea for a show that will grab people’s attention then please let us know. You can send an outline of your idea to Remember, no idea is too weird, this is radio, anything’s possible!

We’re especially looking for shows in the areas of Drama, Irish language, ArtsGame shows and music shows such as JazzDance and Reggae/Ska.

If you don’t have a show idea and would just like to get involved then that’s more than fine too. We will be having a ‘Get Involved’ meeting early in the new semester. The meeting will be well advertised around campus, here on our website, on our facebook page (!/group.php?gid=113474229131&ref=ts), and our Twitter (

We are open to students from all faculties. This is not a hollow offer, we really want to get all schools involved in the station. You don’t have to be in communications to work with DCUfm.

On a final note, best of luck to all you guys waiting for your CAO offers. I really hope we get to see you in DCU. And please feel free to drop in to the station any time if you’d like to get involved. The station is situated in the Hub and faces out onto the mall, you can’t miss us.

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